
Would you like to try some Organic Raw Honey??!

Ok so its technically a link to another blogger, but by now you should know I love Organic/Raw good for your health foods and FREE! So go check out her blog she has GREAT things that she reviews and does tons of giveaways..

And hopefully one of us will win some yummy honey!!!

What grocery stores do you prefer?

Grocery stores, most of us have on big chain we prefer and only shop there. Me I shop all over the place for the best deals in town. Now I know a lot of people hate to drive around town for the best deals. They figure they waist more gas that way. I can understand that and if you do all your shopping in one trip then possibly yes. I plan my shopping trips around my weekly schedule. So that when I'm in the area of one store I get stuff there. Now to be honest two of my favorites are within walking or 4 minute drives from my house so I don't really feel like I'm going out of my way to go there. Without further ado, in order of most money saving to least my favorite stores and why.

1. Fresh & Easy. This one is my all time favorite for two reasons; first they have the BEST coupons, I never leave home without at least three $10 off any $50 purchase. this saves me right around 20% on my bill already. Secondly, they have a "clearance" section of foods that usually expire that day or are not selling fast enough. These items are great for that nights meal or for freezing! Not to mention they are very generous in their expiration dates, items usually last quite a few days longer. Now your probably telling yourself "but they don't have a wide variety", true you won't see your usual big name brands, but that's not what your looking for. Look for "Fresh & Easy" brand items. Most of the time these items are organic, but even if they are not labeled "organic" read the ingredients, you will find even their regular items contain some organic ingredients. They also refuse to use HFCS or all kinds of preservatives. You will see an occasional preservative but usually its organically derived. They have very high standards when it comes to their own brand. So that is why I will buy 85% of my stuff F&E brand.

2. Sunflower Market. There are only 2 that I know of in Las Vegas but I think they also have a few in Arizona, Utah, and Texas. This place is like a farmers market version of "Whole Paycheck". Their deli prices are really good and they have great sales. If you go on Wednesdays you can shop their double sale day. Its the day of the week that both sales flyers are valid. So hold on to your sales flyer every week and compare on Tuesday nights and then shop on Wednesday! Some great deals not only on food but sundry and supplements too. 

3. Trader Joes. This place is third on my list because you still have to read labels. Some of their things contain all organic ingredients and somethings will contain things you wouldn't expect from them like HFCS or MSG. BUT their prices on some staple items are not to be beat! Also they have a great tasting section and the best variety in dairy and by far the best and cheapest wines!!! (don't judge ;)

And finally! Costco. OK this is last because you have to buy in bulk and their produce is hit or miss on what is available in organic, but if your looking for dry goods then this is definitely the place! Plus they have coupons of their own! 

Now if your the kind that doesn't like shopping all over the place then I will tell you I have successfully fed my family off of $150 or less twice a month at Fresh & Easy alone!!! The only thing they lack is more gluten free items, Like bread. I wish they carried some gluten free breads or even sprouted grain breads. They do carry high quality honey though!! That's a favorite of mine!

Well there is the skinny on grocery shopping on a budget! Next?? supplementing your grocery bill by making your own from scratch! Think dairy items, breads, drinks and more!!!