So after a Bountiful Baskets haul I had a metric ton of fruit quickly going bad, because of a household wise illness we couldn't consume it. So someone had suggested fruit leather and how living in Vegas was the perfect forum for it, just leave it outside all day in the sun in your closed grill and Viola! yumminess.. So I gave it a try.
I peeled and cut up about a dozen peaches, a dozen plums, and threw in about two handfulls of green grapes to add sweetness without adding sugar. Threw it in a large stock pot with 1 cup of water and cooked it all for about 15 minutes. Then I let it cool, threw it all in the blender, blended till smooth. Then poured it into a walled cookie sheet covered in plastic wrap and put it outside in the weber. Thats when things started to go wrong...
12 hours later I go to test it, mush, not leather at all. So I leave it out there for over night and another whole sunny 108 degree day... ... ... I test it, still mushy!!!!!!! really? Its got to be the 30% humidity we've been having. So I bring it indoors and put it in the oven at 170 degrees, this was the lowest my oven would go. Left it in there for 12 more house FINALLY! it looks and feels like leather!!!! geebus! That took FOR EVER.
But the question is... how did it come out?!?!? fantastic! I gave some to Violet to try, she keeps asking for more, between her and my husband half the cookie sheet is gone already its only been done for 40 minutes! I'd say it was a success and now I have some other way to use up my produce without letting it go bad! or giving it away.. YAY!!!
amber necklaces on sale
all children's products at inspired by finn on sale!/notes/inspired-by-finn/40-off-childrens-items-anyone-can-participate/130136367026622!/notes/inspired-by-finn/40-off-childrens-items-anyone-can-participate/130136367026622
Baby/Kid deals websites
The sites I check daily or weekly for deals on baby and kids stuffs, p.s. I love them all!!!! :
Mama Bargains
Baby Steals
Kid Steals
Kids Woot
Baby Half Off
Mama Bargains
Baby Steals
Kid Steals
Kids Woot
Baby Half Off
ok I know I'm missing some, I have to be. So I'll update as I find and remember them. Some of them have rewards for signing up friends, so please click the links I provided instead of copy/paste or clicking the logo. Thanks and Happy Shopping!
my various business ventures... Kids things...
I'm going to break this up in a few posts. I hope these help all of you all that ask about websites and information on each of my crazy business ventures!!!
This topic, stuff for kids..
Discovery toys
Explore. Imagine. Create. Connect. Give Back. That’s what Barefoot Books is all about. It’s exploring other cultures, our planet, ourselves. It’s making time for make-believe and letting imaginations run wild and free. Most of all, it’s about using the power of stories to nourish the creative spark in everyone and strengthen connections with family, the global community, and the earth.
now my opinion, these books teach great lessons and are fantastic quality and afford-ability. Most titles come in board book, hard back, and paper back!!!
This topic, stuff for kids..
Discovery toys
Discovery Toys has been helping parents to "Teach. Play. Inspire." with our high-quality educational toys, books, games and music for over three decades.
The company was founded by an early childhood educator in 1978 and continues to grow from our passion for helping children through play. Today, we are the leader in learning toys for early childhood education as the foremost direct marketing company of its kind.
The company’s product categories are sold according to age-appropriate category segments:
The company’s product categories are sold according to age-appropriate category segments:
- infant: 0 - 12 months
- toddler: 1 - 3 years
- preschool: 3 - 5 years
- school years: 5 - 8 years
When we develop our products, we design multiple layers of learning into every toy. We also maintain the highest safety and quality standards beyond the nationally published governmental standards.
DT Educational Consultants, parents and children interact to deliver our promise of helping children learn through play. It's no surprise that many of the thousands of Educational Consultants in our field are both parents and teachers who love to teach and play with their kids.
Today, interest in the intersection of education and play continues to grow. Discovery Toys is prepared for unprecedented growth for both the network and the children it serves.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Discovery Toys opportunity, visit the Business Opportunity or Hostess Opportunity pages. You can alsoContact an Educational Consultant to help you get started!
Our Mission:
DT Educational Consultants, parents and children interact to deliver our promise of helping children learn through play. It's no surprise that many of the thousands of Educational Consultants in our field are both parents and teachers who love to teach and play with their kids.
Today, interest in the intersection of education and play continues to grow. Discovery Toys is prepared for unprecedented growth for both the network and the children it serves.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Discovery Toys opportunity, visit the Business Opportunity or Hostess Opportunity pages. You can alsoContact an Educational Consultant to help you get started!
Our Mission:
Discovery Toys creates highly engaging learning toys, books, games and music that help parents and others teach learning skills through play.
Discovery Toys ignites the imagination and interest of children as they learn and grow through play each day.
Discovery Toys inspires learning! Our products not only inspire children to learn, they inspire parents and educators to teach and learn along with them.
Thats from their site. Now my opinion.. I LOVE their toys, I know sooooo many moms that incorporate them into their homeschooling curriculum. they are great quality, saftey, and usability. they are not the plastic crap light up toys made by the TRU brands... if you want more specifics on my favorites and sales and specials. LET ME KNOW, i'll be happy to do that!
Now on to Barefoot Books
Explore. Imagine. Create. Connect. Give Back. That’s what Barefoot Books is all about. It’s exploring other cultures, our planet, ourselves. It’s making time for make-believe and letting imaginations run wild and free. Most of all, it’s about using the power of stories to nourish the creative spark in everyone and strengthen connections with family, the global community, and the earth.

Barefoot Books began with two mothers who wanted their children to have books that would feed the imagination, while instilling a respect for diversity and a love of the planet. Today, we are a world-wide community of writers, artists, storytellers, musicians, and others who are committed to providing timeless stories and captivating art that can help children become happy, engaged members of a global society.
now my opinion, these books teach great lessons and are fantastic quality and afford-ability. Most titles come in board book, hard back, and paper back!!!
Bountiful Baskets
So I run a Bountiful Baskets site at Well Rounded Momma. Bountiful Baskets is a volunteer based co-op offering conventional and organic produce at a co-op or wholesale pricing. So far I've been fairly please with my baskets. Some weeks more pleased than others. I highly recommend people get on board! there are sites all over the vegas valley now (still none in henderson proper due to henderson's parks and rec rules about reservations, but we do get close) so there is bound to be one close to you. Here is their info from their site, :
About Bountiful Baskets Co-op
Bountiful Baskets is not a business. It is a group of people who work together for mutual benefit. We are up front and open about how things work.
Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op is constantly growing to reach new areas as volunteers want to have a co-op site close to their home. They train with an existing Volunteer Site Coordinator and request a site to be added. We run at least every two weeks at each site. We are completely volunteer-run and make no profit. We have the following distribution sites and look forward to adding other distribution sites as volunteers are trained and ready to open them! Please see our locations page for a complete listing of current sites.
This is a Co-op
This is a grass roots, all volunteer, no contracts, no catch co-operative. Without volunteers this co-op wouldn’t happen, so you will need to help as you are able. There are many opportunities to participate!
Reasons to Participate
- This is a great deal and you are helping others get a great deal, too. With the conventional produce offering, you get approximately $50 worth of grocery store-quality produce.
- This co-op encourages a healthier lifestyle.
- You meet great people!
How the Co-op works
As a group, we purchase items at deep discounts. Items are then distributed evenly among participants. Some details:
- Use this website to make monetary contributions toward the pools of money used to purchase product(s)
- Contribute the amount required for participation in each pool by the deadline(s) listed (see Contribution Timeline table on the homepage)
- Additional details about products are available at Current Offerings
- For produce baskets, we purchase from a warehouse that supplies produce to many local restaurants and grocery stores. This is the same produce you would get from a restaurant or store.
Basket contents
We get a variety of high-quality seasonal produce. We balance variety with seasonality in order to get the most appealing and cost-effective basket possible. We also choose to use local produce first when available, then regional produce (California, Utah, Colorado, Northern Mexico!)
Each site has a 20 minute pickup window. Please see the “Pickup Times” table on the homepage for site pickup times. Bring a container to take your produce home in! Laundry baskets, coolers, grocery bags, and boxes work great. Perishable items that are not picked up are donated!
Items Not Picked Up during the 20 minute pick up window Will Be Donated to a local fire station.
We are unable to hold perishable items. Please arrive on-time!
We are unable to hold perishable items. Please arrive on-time!
Contribution Changes
We can not make changes to any finalized contribution. Once you have put your credit card information into the website and clicked “submit” it’s not changeable.
Volunteers should be at co-op at the time listed on the LOCATIONS page
Case End & Volunteer Produce
Case ends are are those items that will not distribute to the whole co-op one more time (if there are 40 bags of carrots in a case and only 36 baskets, 4 bags of carrots would be case ends) Case ends of like value will be combined and distributed together. For instance, if in the example above there were 32 case end celery bunches then the case ends of celery and case ends of carrots would be combined and people would get either case ends of carrots or case ends of celery.
The methodology will be to treat case ends in such a way that they are distributed as fairly as humanly possible, with volunteers getting 1 large/expensive case end item or 2 small/inexpensive case end items for volunteering. For example someone could get 1 pineapple, or 2 apples. Also, note that if there is a bagged item, then bag should be opened and the items contained should be distributed individually.
- There is a $1.50 fee for each separate transaction. This fee applies to all transactions, even those made within the same co-op cycle. Please note: we are unable to add items to a processed transaction.
- There is a $3.00 First Time Basket fee for new participants. This need only be applied with the first basket(s) contributed for; it does not apply when selecting a new or different pickup site.
Azure Standard
Another copy.. again click the blog title to go straight to the living healthy blog
You go to their website ( and open up an account. It is free. You will then fill your cart** (see below) and checkout through them (NO COD's). They require a $50 minimum purchase per person. It will ask you what drop point you want your order shipped to. You will then enter the drop number of the location closest to you (see list of drops below). The orders have to be in by 4pm on the second to last Thursday of each month. I post a reminder on the blog!
The order will be delivered to you drop location the following Monday night or Tuesday morning. We won't know when until that Friday after the driver gets his delivery schedule. I will here when I find out when we can expect it. I ask that if you are available, please come help unload the truck. The driver does not do it, so it's up to us! I will update on the blog with the approximate delivery time! THE DRIVERS SCHEDULE CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE DAY. YOU MUST LOG ON PERIODICALLY THROUOUT THE DAY TO SEE WHEN HE IS DUE TO ARRIVE AT YOUR DROP!! WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU ANY OTHER WAY.
We do understand that some of you work or have young children and will not know if you can help unload the truck until we know when it will be here. Unfortunately, most of us don't have fridge or freezer space to store cold or frozen items SOOOO If it turns out that you are unable to help unload and you want to order cold/frozen items, YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGMENTS WITH YOUR DROP COORDINATOR A HEAD OF TIME!!
Cecilia - Near 215 and N. Decatur
Gayle - Near 215 and W. Cheyenne
PinkPeas Pregnancy and Parenting Center - Near Saraha and Decatur (in the Trader Joes Shopping Center)
Tirrsa - Near I-15 and Blue Diamond Rd. (in the Target Shopping Center)"
You go to their website ( and open up an account. It is free. You will then fill your cart** (see below) and checkout through them (NO COD's). They require a $50 minimum purchase per person. It will ask you what drop point you want your order shipped to. You will then enter the drop number of the location closest to you (see list of drops below). The orders have to be in by 4pm on the second to last Thursday of each month. I post a reminder on the blog!
The order will be delivered to you drop location the following Monday night or Tuesday morning. We won't know when until that Friday after the driver gets his delivery schedule. I will here when I find out when we can expect it. I ask that if you are available, please come help unload the truck. The driver does not do it, so it's up to us! I will update on the blog with the approximate delivery time! THE DRIVERS SCHEDULE CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE DAY. YOU MUST LOG ON PERIODICALLY THROUOUT THE DAY TO SEE WHEN HE IS DUE TO ARRIVE AT YOUR DROP!! WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU ANY OTHER WAY.
We do understand that some of you work or have young children and will not know if you can help unload the truck until we know when it will be here. Unfortunately, most of us don't have fridge or freezer space to store cold or frozen items SOOOO If it turns out that you are unable to help unload and you want to order cold/frozen items, YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGMENTS WITH YOUR DROP COORDINATOR A HEAD OF TIME!!
Cecilia - Near 215 and N. Decatur
Gayle - Near 215 and W. Cheyenne
PinkPeas Pregnancy and Parenting Center - Near Saraha and Decatur (in the Trader Joes Shopping Center)
Tirrsa - Near I-15 and Blue Diamond Rd. (in the Target Shopping Center)"
Frontier Co-op
Ok this is a copy and paste from the main blog for the las vegas co-ops. click the blog title above to go to that blog or look for "living healthy in las vegas" blog :
"Frontier sells many items that support healthy living at approximately 40% off retail prices. The organizer organizes the entire order, places the order, sorts the order and you pay them directly. There is a small fee of $.25 per item to help compensate the organizers for their time. This may seem like a lot for the lower priced items, but it is minuscule for higher priced items and will balance itself out. We are not trying to make a profit which is why we chose NOT to charge a percentage or flat rate. If you have more questions about this, please feel free to e-mail us.
Near the middle of each month the Sales Catalog will be available online (see below for link). At the end of each month the organizers will post a reminder that it is ordering time and tell you what day each are hoping to place their order by. Thwy will try to place the orders in the first few days of each month. This help to make sure that items that are on sale are still in stock.
You can order a paper copy of the catalog, but be aware that it takes about 6 -8 weeks to arrive. I suggest you download and save the PDF version of the catalog to your computer (it takes for ever to open each time on line). I have found that the most effective way to "shop" is to use the search field in the PDF. The catalog is around 300 pages long and can be VERY intimidating. Also, in the back of the catalog (pg 278) is a index of all the manufacturers and what pages you can find them on, this is handy when first looking through the catalog to get an idea of what brands they sell.
Here are the links to the Catalogs:
2009-2010 Catalog
Paper Catalog order site (take 6-8 weeks to receive a paper catalog)
Sales Catalog (for july) the middle of each month the next months sales catalog goes up, just change the month in the above address to the next month and you can access it."
"Frontier sells many items that support healthy living at approximately 40% off retail prices. The organizer organizes the entire order, places the order, sorts the order and you pay them directly. There is a small fee of $.25 per item to help compensate the organizers for their time. This may seem like a lot for the lower priced items, but it is minuscule for higher priced items and will balance itself out. We are not trying to make a profit which is why we chose NOT to charge a percentage or flat rate. If you have more questions about this, please feel free to e-mail us.
Near the middle of each month the Sales Catalog will be available online (see below for link). At the end of each month the organizers will post a reminder that it is ordering time and tell you what day each are hoping to place their order by. Thwy will try to place the orders in the first few days of each month. This help to make sure that items that are on sale are still in stock.
You can order a paper copy of the catalog, but be aware that it takes about 6 -8 weeks to arrive. I suggest you download and save the PDF version of the catalog to your computer (it takes for ever to open each time on line). I have found that the most effective way to "shop" is to use the search field in the PDF. The catalog is around 300 pages long and can be VERY intimidating. Also, in the back of the catalog (pg 278) is a index of all the manufacturers and what pages you can find them on, this is handy when first looking through the catalog to get an idea of what brands they sell.
Here are the links to the Catalogs:
2009-2010 Catalog
Paper Catalog order site (take 6-8 weeks to receive a paper catalog)
Sales Catalog (for july) the middle of each month the next months sales catalog goes up, just change the month in the above address to the next month and you can access it."
My Favorite Diaper
Everyone always asks me this question... and honestly with every child the answer is different. I'm a big supporter of the gdiaper mostly because of its versatility to be both a cloth and a disposable diaper. I like that I don't have to throw anything away but can either wash or flush it and it was by far my fav diaper with my daughter. BUT that said, I love love love love love my Sweet Doll Baby diapers as my #1 choice in cloth diaper with my son. Its a basic pocket diaper with a poly-PUL outer and a fleece inner.
There is just something so magical about its construction, its a one size diaper and you can get snaps or velcro depending on your preference, but this diaper fits every baby I've seen it on! its magical. OH even through a bout of a week long stomach bug not a single blow-out!! no leaking, no gapping, no stinking! LOL its just fantastic. The biggest advantage is that they are CHEAP they are $3-$8 per diaper which is at least 1/2 off the major brands out there! and they work better in my opinion. Of course if your wanting to switch from disposable and like the ease of use of your disposable then going from that to a pocket may not be the best choice but seriously I bought 8 of these and won't have to buy another diaper for the rest of my kids diapering lives!!! at those prices your definitely beating the cost of disposables in just a few short months! if not WEEKS!!
OK so there is my healthy gloat on diapers. enjoy!
This is my new home
My first official blog post! I hope to use this space to share my finds and consolidate all the info i give out!!! and a place to connect my thoughts and organize them! I'm a tad scattered most days. lets hope this works!
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